Welcome To My Humble Hamlet
Hello Visitors! Welcome to my webbed site! Either you've stumbled upon me on Tumblr, or just on the neocities website, maybe even beyond! Im an artist, usually doing my own thing with whatever I’m fixating on at the moment. I also can draw stuff for you!! for the small price of mouney.

this site is a location for people wanting to get to know me better as my original Tumblr posts are sparse and not very descriptive. that is unless you've gone through the process of psychoanalyzing my film camera posts. I'd be flattered. Navigation is FULLY SET UP!!! AS WELL AS A PAGE FOR ME TO RANT ABOUT FILM PHOTOGRAPHY AND CASSETTES!!! the new guestbook is also set up! go send me a message. or a scarab
What're you up to?
- Im Somewhat of an Artist myself
- Digital Designer (source: my 300mb file of masking tape pngs)
- Film Photographer, currently rocking 5 cameras and a 8mm home movie Camera
- Cassette mix-tape maker and enthusiast
- Photoshop Squire (The wizard who's my boss doesn't think I'm ready for the intense aspects yet)
- Sunflower Seed Pervert™
- I can be anything anywhere tbh!!! this is why im kept in a petri dish inside the CDC.
- Body font: National Park
- Title font: Pretty Kelly
- Favicon emoji: Twemoji